Day: July 29, 2021


The use of marijuana for recreational activity or medicinal purposes always sparks a heated debate between its supporters and backlashers. Even though marijuana has some medicinal benefits particularly toepileptic and cancer patients, it is still strictly prohibited in some countries particularly the conservative ones because of its adverse effects on mental health when used excessively. The involvement of users in substance abuse also inclines them to commit petty to serious crimes which are common to adult males. This happens because the chemical compounds found in cannabis plants alter the mental state of the person specifically its metacognitive parts. The prolonged use of marijuana prompts the brain to crave more sense of euphoria which in effect most users who have begun at a young age become addictedwhen they grew up. The worst aftereffect of this is that they use powerful opioids like heroin and morphine for their amplified psychoactive effect.

How are marijuana users tested positive?

                The presence of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a psychoactive compound, in someone’s bodily fluids is a clear indication of a marijuana user. It can be analyzed through urine, saliva, blood, or hair test. The most common and fastest method used in drug testing centers is the urine test because it is done on the spot and is easy to obtain. The amount of THC in the system is directly dependent on the frequency of marijuana usage. So, if you are planning to get tested, it is better to abstain for days. But if you are a heavy user, long-term abstinence is just a form of agony for it will take a couple of days or even weeks to be marked clean. It will also involve regular exercises to hasten the detoxification which is a complete hassle to some.  It is evenharder to flushTHC out from your system in a natural approach like consuming diuretic drinkssince it is time-consuming, and you are prone to withdrawal symptoms. For this reason, some consumers resort to chemical-based detoxifiers that can be intake in a form of drinks or pills with immediate results. Some are also available as hair shampoo or mouthwash. These options were made for different types of tests to provide marijuana users the best THC detox methods in town.