How To Prevent Glass Emergencies With Regular Maintenance And Inspections

Glass emergencies can be a nightmare for any homeowner or business owner. A broken window or door poses a safety risk and can compromise a property’s security and aesthetic appeal. In addition, no one wishes to frantically search for an emergency glazier late at night. Fortunately, some measures can be taken to prevent glass emergencies from occurring.

Inspect Glass Regularly

Regular inspection of your glass is essential to prevent an emergency glazier. If there are any damage symptoms, you should check your glass fixtures more frequently than once a year. Search for any damage that can jeopardize the glass’s structural integrity, such as cracks, chips, scratches, and other flaws if you observe any damage, repair or replace the glass immediately.

Clean Glass Regularly

It is important to clean glass routinely with a nonabrasive cleaner and a soft cloth, as dirt and debris can cause damage over time. Avoid harsh chemicals and abrasive cleansers, which can damage or scratch glass. Additionally, avoid using sharp objects to scrape away grime or debris, as these can grind or damage the glass.

Use Caution When Opening And Closing Doors And Windows

Slamming doors and windows can cause the glass to shatter or crack. To prevent this, be gentle when opening and closing them. If you have children or animals in your household, you should teach them to be gentle with doors and windows. If you have sliding glass doors, ensure they are properly aligned and lubricated to prevent them from becoming difficult to open and close or from adhering.

Use Tempered Or Laminated Glass

Use Tempered Or Laminated Glass

Normal glass is weaker and more susceptible to fracture than tempered and laminated glass. Laminated glass is made by sandwiching a plastic layer between two glass panes. Consider using tempered or laminated glass in high-risk areas such as windows, doors, and shower enclosures.

Keep Glass Away From Heat Sources

Heat can make the glass grow and shrink, which can cause cracks and breaking. So keep the glass away from stoves and other sources of heat. If you have glass devices near heat sources, replace them with ones made of a material that doesn’t break as easily when heated.

Hire Professionals For Installations And Repairs

Get a pro to undertake the work of installing or fixing your glass fixtures. They have the expertise and resources necessary for proper glass installation and maintenance. Improper installation or repair can lead to a glass emergency glazier, so hiring someone qualified and experienced is important. The tips above make it important to be prepared in a glass emergency. Maintain a first aid kit with bandages, gauze, and adhesive tape.


Preventing glass emergencies protects your property and residents. Maintenance and inspections can spot faults before they become big ones. Maintaining your glass fixtures prevents accidents and saves time and money.